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Beauty and history: nobody's property, everyone's possession.

The theme of the protection of artistic, archaeological and architectural heritage in Italy is very complex.
On the one hand, our country is very rich in testimonies of the past, with many "unique" sites such as the sites of Pompeii, Herculaneum or the complex of traces of settlement by the Etruscan people. The numbers, however, speak for themselves: in Italy there are 3,400 museums, about 2,100 archaeological areas and parks, 58 UNESCO sites, and it was from a visit to the church of Santa Croce in Florence that Marie-Henri Beyle was struck by what would later be called , from his pseudonym, “Stendhal syndrome”. But it is precisely this richness that makes complete and widespread protection like that achieved by other countries, less "fortunate" than ours, difficult.

Furthermore, the idea that the beauty of our country is something that belongs to each of us is not yet "possessed by everyone", and that taking care of it is therefore a civil and moral duty, collective but also individual, and a responsibility towards of who will succeed us.

Yet, the Italian Constitution itself, moreover, in article 9 states that “The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. It protects the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation".

For these reasons, the Department of Legality of the Municipality of Forlì intends to promote a reflection on the theme of cultural heritage, their respect and taking charge by the community. It will do so by inviting experts, magistrates, representatives of the police forces to a multi-voiced debate, and by entrusting a message capable of supporting art through art to the words and music of the artists.

Three appointments on schedule:

29 JUNE 2023 - 9.00 pm

San Domenico Arena - Forlì

Scar to art

For info clickca here.

6 JULY 2023 - 9.00 pm

San Domenico Arena - Forlì

The Pompeii affair

For info clickca here.


13 AUGUST 2023 - 9.00 pm

Candle factory - Forlì

The protection of cultural heritage and the local dimension - The Verzocchi Collection


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