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Denis Zardi was born in Lugo (RA) in 1974. He studied piano under Maestro Mauro Minguzzi. He got his first-class degree at the Conservatoire “A. Boito” in Parma, with honourable mention. After attending a specialization course under Maestro Alfredo Speranza, Maestro Piero Rattalino and then under Maestro Franco Scala at “Incontri col Maestro” Academy in Imola, he got the diploma of concert playing.

In 2003 he finished the second phase at the European Conservatoire in Rotterdam, whit full marks. His teacher was Maestro Aquilles delle Vigne.

In 1994 he was the only Italian selected to take part in the “Irving S. Gilmore Keyboard Festival” in the United States. While being in the States, he played the piano in several concerts and he had the opportunity of meeting very famous Maestri, such as Russel Shermann and Gary Graffman (one of Vladimir Horowitz’s pupils).

While still very young, he distinguished himself for his musical and expressive qualities, and he won nineteen prizes in national and international competitions, among which the “Coppa Pianisti d’Italia” of Osimo, the “Carlo Soliva” of Casale Monferrato, Alberga and Terzo, the Rachmaninoff Prize” of Sulmona, the “Schumann Prize” of Lamporecchio, the “F.I.D.A.P.A.” prize” of Pisa and Grosseto.

He is regularly invited by concert associations to perform in the most important Italian towns (Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna, Naples).

In September 2002, with the Young Symphonic Orchestra of Rotterdam he performed the Prometheus by Skrjabin, inside of the “Gergiev Festival”.

He has established strong cooperation links with important orchestras, such the Chamber Orchestra of Padua and Veneto.

He also devotes himself to chamber music with great interest.

In 2000, in a piano duo, he tourned the United States where he gave numerous concerts. He performed in Minneapolis, St Paul, Des Moines, Milwaukee and Philadelphia. In a duo with the violinist Roberto Noferini, he won the National Competition of the National Youth of Italy, in 1998. Since then the two musicians carry out an intensive concert activity, which is always crowded with success and always gets the approval of critics and public. They have worked together on the recording of “Quartetto per la fine dei tempi” by Olivier Messiaen, for the Foundation ATOPOS of Ambra (AR).

He has been a very active teacher for years and he has trained and he is still training lots of pupils who have won prizes in national piano competitions.

He studied composition at the Conservatoire “G.B.Martini” in Bologna. His teacher was Maestro Adriano Guarnieri.

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