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The Social Promotion Association No.Vi.Art (Arts for non-violence) of Forlì-Cesena is the new name with which the Local Objection and Nonviolence Association-Nonviolent Action Group Forlì-Cesena (ALON-GAN FC) presents itself, historic pacifist association forlì, based at the Center for Peace

"A. Tonelli" of Forlì.


No.Vi.Art. has been collecting since 2019 the legacy of Ipsia Forlì-Cesena (Acli Peace Development and Innovation Institute), since 2013 the promoter of the project "Music, a bridge between peoples".

In fact, the closure of Ipsia Forlì-Cesena led to the need to identify another volunteer reality that could collect the wealth of experience and relationships cultivated by Ipsia, and which translates into a network of associations and music schools from 10 countries. : Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Romania, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and, since 2019, Greece, many countries among which, thanks to this project, are experiencing a relationship again after very delicate events or even after bloody events conflicts such as those that affected a large part of the Balkan area a few years ago.


No. You. For its part, Art is addressing some priority objectives that have crossed those of Ipsia:

- local action to change the social and cultural environment in which it operates;

- collaboration and cooperation between people and states through the most effective mediums, and in the first place through culture;

- non-violence as a style of relationships between people, social groups and states and as a way of resolving, managing and transforming conflicts.

Furthermore, Art No.Vi., consistently with its statutory purposes, is committed and intends to engage in activities that contribute to the equitable redistribution of resources between the North and the South of the world, also through the promotion of international cooperation projects and aid to countries. under development, precisely with a view to real construction  of peace, as required by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which the association refers.


ALON-GAN FC had to its credit the National Campaign on Objection to Military Expenses; membership of the Banca Popolare Etica Sca rl, membership of the Copresc Forlì-Cesena (Provincial coordination of civil service entities) Forlì-Cesena, the Emilia-Romagna Regional Council for the Civil Service, the National Network of Civil Corps of Peace to associations that intervene with adequately trained personnel in conflict areas in a non-violent way.

ALON-GAN FC also had to its credit the promotion, together with other realities, of the Course for International Peace Mediators which took place for the first time in Bagnacavallo (RA) in 2003 and then for subsequent editions in Bertinoro.


For its part, the project "Music, a bridge between peoples" and the "Festival of young Mediterranean music" has been carrying out a project for eight years that focuses on the relationship between young people from completely different cultural, religious and social backgrounds. but which find a key to dialogue and coexistence in the language of music. The "bridge" of stringed instruments chosen as the symbol of the project "Music, a bridge between peoples" is in fact a key that does not "close", but opens doors and creates bridges, where our present stands up walls and gives space to distrust and fears.

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